Wednesday, August 23, 2006


One of the artists that influence me can be found in the pages of Heavy Metal Magazine. He also has various books out now. He goes by the name Azpiri. One of his characters "Lorna" is kind of a Barbarella type chick. Ventures from place to place getting laid and fighting evil all at the same time. I thought it'd be cool to do my version of Lorna.
Am I the only one that misses movies like "Barbarella".

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

At last

So you've been lookin and lookin and can't find me. Well here I am back from my seclusion. The latest is this, I'm ok but still having physical problems that are under control for the moment. You don't need to get all in my junk so that's all I'll say.
The drawings are coming, some have already been put on my sister site at Just click my airbrush art and it'll take you right to it.
I'm also gettin my thoughts together for a sketchbook. Not promising anything yet but it could happen. Enough talk for now take a look at what's on the drawing board. Oh and airbrush art is still on the way, stay tooned!!!